Real people, real stories

Implemented in 250+ schools and helped 6 million+

girls and young women in over 140 countries.

Real people, real stories

Implemented in 250+ schools and helped

6 million+ girls and young women in over 140 countries.

Real people, real stories

Implemented in 250+ schools and helped

6 million+ girls and young women in

over 140 countries.

"This allows for a transformation in thoughts about how you feel about your own body and everyone else's. It has fundamentally changed the way I will interact with others — strangers, friends, family, but also my self talk."

Kim M.

Kim M.

Student @ University of Colorado -- Colorado Springs

"I feel as if this program is already helping me live a fuller, more authentic life. If everyone could participate in a program like this, we could rid society of the 'thin ideal' and help everyone to be their best self and live the best life they can, free of the pressure to be society’s ideal of beautiful."

Savannah C.

Savannah C.

Student @ The Ohio State University

"I was unsure exactly what to expect to gain from the training. Little did I know that my thoughts for the thin-ideal and perfect woman or my own body image would be drastically changed even before the end of the second session. I have a new and different confidence in my body. I love it even more now and am encouraged but his confidence to pass the 'healthy ideal' on to others. "

Hannah C.

Hannah C.

Student @ University of Northern Colorado

"I believe this program will start a movement among young women and alter the body image environment in our culture."

Kelly C.

Kelly C.

Student @ University of Kentucky

Frequently asked questions

How do I know if this program is right for me?

To understand if NOED is right for you, consider the following questions: 1. Have you ever had concerns about your body image? 2. Are you overly critical of your appearance, focusing on perceived flaws or imperfections? 3. Do you feel pressured to change your body to fit certain beauty standards or societal expectations? 4. Do you compare your body to others and feel negatively about yourself as a result? 5. Do you struggle with self-esteem or self-worth based on your physical appearance? 6. Do you have a difficult time accepting compliments or acknowledging your positive qualities? 7. Have you ever tried dieting? If you answered "yes" to any of the above questions, you will benefit from this program.

What are the benefits?

What is the difference between NOED and The Body Project?

How do I know if this program is right for me?

To determine if NOED + The Body Project is right for you, consider the following questions: 1. Are you overly critical of your appearance, focusing on perceived flaws or imperfections? 2. Do you feel pressured to change your body to fit certain beauty standards or societal expectations? 3. Do you compare your body to others and feel negatively about yourself as a result? 4. Do you struggle with self-esteem or self-worth based on your physical appearance? 5. Do you have a difficult time accepting compliments or acknowledging your positive qualities? 6. Do you have any body or eating disorders? If you answered "yes" to any of the above questions, you will gain tremendous benefits from this program.

Does it really work?

What is the expected time commitment?

Who is behind NOED + The Body Project?

When will I get off the waitlist?

When will I get off the waitlist?

When will I get off the waitlist?

Ready to protect yourself or someone you love?

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Get in touch with us!

© 2023 NOED