Love your body image, before the problems begin

A clinically proven, evidence-based body acceptance program for young women.


Love your body image, before the problems begin

A clinically proven, evidence-based body acceptance program for young women.


Love your body image,
before the problems begin

A clinically proven, evidence-based body acceptance program for young women.

Trusted by brands you know

Trusted by brands you know

Trusted by brands you know

Body image issues are a problem

Body image issues
are a problem

And are often overlooked and under attended to in modern society.


of people with issues never receive any form of treatment.


of people with issues never receive any form of treatment.


of people with eating disorders attempt suicide. *


of people with eating disorders attempt suicide. *


deaths every year are the direct result of eating disorders. *


deaths every year are the direct result of eating disorders. *

* According to

* According to

Transform your relationship with
your body

Transform your relationship
with your body

Transform your relationship
with your body

Increased body acceptance

Improved self-esteem

Reduced anxiety and stress

"The program was amazing and eye opening. It made me actually stop and think about how I live my life and see others. I'm thinking about my physical appearance differently and loving who I am by not comparing myself to others."

Program participant

Program participant

Student at Texas Women's University

Backed by science
from top universities

Highly rated, research based, and trusted by experts at top universities.

Developed by researchers at Stanford University, the University of Texas at Austin, and Oregon Research Institute.

Helped over 6 million girls and young women in countries all over the world.

Received the strongest scientific research rating in the California Evidence-Based Clearinghouse for Child Welfare (CEBC)

Proven effective in over 25 controlled trials.

Backed by two decades of research and evaluation data.

Currently implemented in 250+ schools.

The NOED digital workshop

An entire program from the comfort of your own home.

A program from the comfort of your own home.

Four digital sessions

1 hour / week over 4 consecutive weeks You will learn about the appearance ideal, participate in role-play, and come up with more positive ways of thinking and talking about bodies.

Likeminded cohort

6 - 8 participants You will be paired with 6 - 8 fellow girls and young women who will join you on your journey. Together you will learn to resist the cultural pressure to conform to the thin-ideal standard of female beauty.

Trained facilitators

From trusted institutions Learn from highly trained faciliators from trusted institutions, such as Stanford University. Join from the comfort of your own home via Zoom or another virtual video chat.

Frequently asked questions

How do I know if this program is right for me?

To understand if Noed is right for you, consider the following questions: 1. Have you ever had concerns about your body image? 2. Are you overly critical of your appearance, focusing on perceived flaws or imperfections? 3. Do you feel pressured to change your body to fit certain beauty standards or societal expectations? 4. Do you compare your body to others and feel negatively about yourself as a result? 5. Do you struggle with self-esteem or self-worth based on your physical appearance? 6. Do you have a difficult time accepting compliments or acknowledging your positive qualities? 7. Have you ever tried dieting? If you answered "yes" to any of the above questions, you will benefit from this program.

How do I know if this program is right for me?

To understand if NOED is right for you, consider the following questions: 1. Have you ever had concerns about your body image? 2. Are you overly critical of your appearance, focusing on perceived flaws or imperfections? 3. Do you feel pressured to change your body to fit certain beauty standards or societal expectations? 4. Do you compare your body to others and feel negatively about yourself as a result? 5. Do you struggle with self-esteem or self-worth based on your physical appearance? 6. Do you have a difficult time accepting compliments or acknowledging your positive qualities? 7. Have you ever tried dieting? If you answered "yes" to any of the above questions, you will benefit from this program.

What are the benefits?

What is the difference between NOED and The Body Project?

How do I know if this program is right for me?

To determine if NOED + The Body Project is right for you, consider the following questions: 1. Are you overly critical of your appearance, focusing on perceived flaws or imperfections? 2. Do you feel pressured to change your body to fit certain beauty standards or societal expectations? 3. Do you compare your body to others and feel negatively about yourself as a result? 4. Do you struggle with self-esteem or self-worth based on your physical appearance? 5. Do you have a difficult time accepting compliments or acknowledging your positive qualities? 6. Do you have any body or eating disorders? If you answered "yes" to any of the above questions, you will gain tremendous benefits from this program.

Does it really work?

What is the expected time commitment?

Who is behind NOED + The Body Project?

When will I get off the waitlist?

When will I get off the waitlist?

When will I get off the waitlist?

Ready to protect yourself or someone you love?

Get in touch with us!

Get in touch with us!

© 2023 NOED